Scientific Program & Abstracts

Book of Abstracts

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Keynote (KN) 40 min, Invited (IT) 30 min, Contributed (CT) 15 min, all including questions.

MONDAY November 4

8:45 Welcome - Boulanger & Falgarone

9:00 - Gas Physics, Star Formation and Galaxy Evolution – I Chair: Patrick Hennebelle

KN Faucher-Giguère - Challenges: Galaxy formation and evolution 
Fu Understanding Galaxy Evolution with Dusty Starburst Galaxies at High-Redshift
Guillard - Is accretion-driven turbulence a key process for galaxy growth?

10:25 Coffee

11:00 - Turbulence, Plasmas, Magnetic Fields and Cosmic Rays – I Chair: Kandaswami Subramanian

KN Pouquet - Dissipation in MHD turbulence
Grete - Correlations and energy transfer in compressible isothermal and adiabatic MHD turbulence
IT Zhdankin - Intermittency of magnetohydrodynamic and kinetic turbulence

12:30 LUNCH

15:00 - Gas Physics, Star Formation and Galaxy Evolution – II Chair: Chang-Goo Kim

KN Burkert - Challenges: Star formation, now and then
IT Meidt - Molecular gas in the Milky Way and nearby galaxies
IT Richter – The many probes of the CGM (video talk)

16:50 Coffee

17:15 - Gas Physics, Star Formation and Galaxy Evolution – III Chair: Claude-André Faucher-Giguère

IT Genzel - The evolution of the ionized gas velocity dispersion in SF galaxies
Oh - Turbulent Mixing Layers : cold gas, hot winds
Semenov - The role of ISM turbulence in regulation of star formation in galaxies

18:30 DISCUSSION 1: The role of turbulence in galaxy evolution Chairs : Tacconi, Lehnert

TUESDAY November 5

9:00 - Gas Physics, Star Formation and Galaxy Evolution – IV Chair: Ute Lisenfeld

KN Bykov - Challenges in The Hot and Relativistic Universe
Lehnert - Observations of the multiphasic large scale environment of galaxies at high redshift
Mohapatra - Stratification and turbulence in the intracluster medium

10:25 Coffee

11:00 - Turbulence, Plasmas, Magnetic Fields and Cosmic Rays – II Chair: Annick Pouquet

IT Alexandrova - Solar wind turbulence
Passot - Energy dissipation in the Solar wind : theoretical challenges
Matthaeus - Who needs turbulence? Cascade, intermittency and Reynolds number in solar wind-like plasmas (video talk)

12:30 LUNCH

15:00 - Turbulence, Plasmas, Magnetic Fields and Cosmic Rays – III Chair: Andrei Bykov

KN Subramanian - Challenges: The Origin of cosmic magnetism
CT Seta - Magnetic fields in elliptical galaxies : a probe of fluctuation dynamo
IT Bhattacharjee - Magnetic reconnection (video talk)

16:25 Coffee

17:00 - Turbulence, Plasmas, Magnetic Fields and Cosmic Rays – IV Chair: Olga Alexandrova

IT Pfrommer - Cosmic rays and magnetic fields in galaxies
Tjus - Plasma investigations of the connection between turbulence and cosmic ray transport in the ISM
CT Vinogradov - MMS observations of thin current sheets in the solar wind
CT Saveliev - A Stringent Limit on Primordial Magnetic Fields from the Cosmic Microwave Backround Radiation

18:15 DISCUSSION 2: Are turbulent cascades and dissipative processes adequately captured in numerical models? Chairs : Pouquet, Zhdankin, Falgarone

WEDNESDAY November 6

9:00 - Gas Physics, Star Formation and Galaxy Evolution – V Chair: Christoph Pfrommer

IT Miville-Deschênes - The multi-phasic ISM: observations (video talk)
CT Bellomi - 3D chemical structure of the turbulent diffuse interstellar medium
CT Girichidis - The chemistry and dynamics of the turbulent ISM including cosmic rays

10:00 Coffee

10:30 - Gas Physics, Star Formation and Galaxy Evolution – VI Chair: Peng Oh

IT Zaroubi - 21 cm Cosmology and the Epoch of Reionization
IT Fialkov - Hydro simulations of cosmic dawn
CT Lewis - Cosmic Dawn II : galactic photon budget and CGM

11:15 DISCUSSION 3: Do we need non-linear physics to understand how the universe was re-ionized? Chairs : Zaroubi, Fialkov, Boulanger

12:30 LUNCH

Free afternoon
14h – Departure of bus to Piana

THURSDAY November 7

9:00 - Gas Physics, Star Formation and Galaxy Evolution – VII Chair: Jérôme Pety

KN Godard - Molecules and Turbulence: Following the energy trail
IT Lesaffre - Dissipation of compressible MHD turbulence
IT Hily-Blant - The small-scale structure of diffuse molecular ISM

10:40 Coffee and poster viewing

11:10 - Gas Physics, Star Formation and Galaxy Evolution – VIII Chair: Pierre Guillard

IT Hennebelle - Formation of structures in the turbulent magnetized ISM
Mocz - Pre-stellar core formation from dense shocked regions in supersonic isothermal magnetoturbulence
IT Kim - Feedback regulated star formation

12:30 LUNCH

15:00 - Gas Physics, Star Formation and Galaxy Evolution – IX Chair: Philipp Girichidis

IT Lochhaas - Multi-phase circumgalactic medium : fast winds, slow shells
CT Lehmann -Self-irradiated molecular shock waves: probing turbulent cascades
IT Appleton - Large-scale turbulence in action in multi-phase intergalactic gas in pairs and groups of galaxies
Lisenfeld -Radio continuum emission in the bridges of collisional galaxy systems

16:30 Coffee and poster viewing

17:00 - Gas Physics, Star Formation and Galaxy Evolution – X Chair: Matt Lehnert

IT Verhamme - Lyman alpha emission around galaxies at high redshift
CT Richings - The effects of local stellar radiation on non-equilibrium ISM chemistry and ISM line diagnostics
IT Noterdaeme - Atomic and molecular hydrogen along quasar/GRB lines of sight
IT Hopkins - Cosmo-hydro simulations of galaxy formation (video talk)

18:45 DISCUSSION 4: Do numerical simulations have a predictive power? Chairs : Klessen, Lesaffre, Appleton


FRIDAY November 8

8:45 - Turbulence, Plasmas, Magnetic Fields and Cosmic Rays – V Chair: Ralf Klessen

IT Pety - The Orion B project: from multi-line observations to GMC physics
CT Brahimi - Cosmic Rays and Interstellar medium turbulence dynamics
CT Martin-Alvarez - Tracing the origin and fate of magnetic fields in galaxies
IT Dubois - Dynamical effects of CR on ISM and galactic winds (video talk)
CT Bennett - Resolving shock heating, turbulence and the baryon cycle in high redshift massive galaxies

10:30 Coffee

11:00 - Statistical analysis and modelling of data Chair: Pierre Lesaffre

IT Ensslin - The turbulent Galaxy via information field theory
CT Levrier - The Reduced Wavelet Scattering Transform, a comprehensive statistical description of the non-Gaussian ISM
CT Beattie - Reconstructing the three-dimensional density distribution of observed, strongly-magnetised, turbulent molecular clouds
CT Durrive - An analytical stochastic representation of 3D MHD turbulence

12:15 LUNCH

14:30 DISCUSSION 5: How will future observations challenge us? Chairs : Pety, Ensslin

Boulanger & Falgarone : What have we learned (during the meeting)?



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